Lunar Chandelier Press

Earth After Earth

Earth After Earth
by Toni Simon
ISBN: 9780984607631.
Pub date: 2012 
58 pp.
Cover art and interior images by Toni Simon.
Design by Anne Noonan at Soho Letter Press

Earth After Earth is an enigmatic prose poetry text which resonates with classic sci-fi futurism; yet, when closely attended to provokes and informs us by imagining the alternative realities of an altered present. Earth After Earth proposes that the other place and time is poetry--explored to the imaginal limits. Earth After Earth is illustrated with Toni Simons quixotic black and white drawings which figure as portholes to a dream.

“In her book Earth After Earth Toni Simon has created a universe that quietly reveals itself, as when in the solitude of dreaming we fracture emotions into condensed images and wake to interpret them, only to find that they've already changed shape. Each sentence is a revelation, as when in the mind of reading we imagine sentences forming that take us to another place. When mind, time, and eyes converge at a point of knowing then you can be sure that even in the dark we know ourselves to be inhabited."
--Kristin Prevallet

"surreal new-sentence prescient-sci-fi psychedelia."
-Nada Gordon