Lunar Chandelier Press

Joe Elliot


Joe Elliot graduated from Yale University in 1982. He
 helped to found Soho Letter Press. He has also taught
and tutored many children and teens in English, Math,
and soccer and  he now teaches high school
English in Brooklyn, where he lives with his wife
and three boys .Joe Elliot ran a weekly reading series at
Biblios Bookstore and Café in NYC
for 5 years, starting in the early 90's, and helped move the
series to the Zinc Bar where it continues today. He co-edited
two chapbook series: A Musty Bone and Situations, which
published authors such as Antje Katcher, Paul Genega,
Duncan Nichols, Mitch Highfill, Kimberly Lyons, Rich O¹Russa,
Douglas Rothschild, Shannon Ketch, Lisa Jarnot, Bill Luoma,
Kevin Davies, Marcella Durand, Rick Snyder, and many others.
Joe Elliot is the author of numerous chapbooks including:
You Gotta Go In It's The Big Game,
Poems To Be Centered On Much Much Larger Sheets Of Paper,
15 Clanking Radiators, 14 Knots, Reduced, Half Gross (a
collaboration with artist John Koos), and Object Lesson
(a collaboration with artist Rich O¹Russa). Granary Books
published If It Rained Here, a collaboration with artist Julie Harrison.
His work has appeared in many magazines, including Ep;iphany,
The World, The Poker, Giants Play Well In The Drizzle,
The Poetry Project Newsletter, Torque, Hanging Loose,
eoagh, Ocho, Boog Lit, and Arras. His long poem,
101 Designs for The World Trade Center, was
published by Faux Press e-mag, and a collection of his work,
Opposable Thumb, was published by subpress in 2006.
Homework, was Published by Lunar Chandelier Press in 2010.

Joe Elliot's online chapbook: 101 Designs for the World Trade Center